We have lived in four houses. F-O-U-R.
Here's one.
Number two.
...and four.
Along the way, we started a family. The first few weeks of parenting twins were...rough. However, we were never without an endless supply of help from family and friends for which we are eternally grateful.
Such as here.
And here.
Also here.
(I remember our friends Becca and Joe, themselves the parents of twins about 7 months older than ours, coming over to help us on numerous occasions during those maddeningly sleep-deprived early weeks. I also remember marveling at the fact that they both seemed so...competent...at this twin-parenting thing and not at all tired or walking into furniture. And finally, I remember Becca and Joe telling us that it would get better. I didn't believe them then because I simply couldn't make my brain work through the tired fog. I believe them now. Thank you, guys.)
I graduated from school, passed my boards, got a job.
My wife transitioned from her career to full-time motherhood, saying goodbye to dear friends with whom she had battled through the junior high trenches for years. Now she gets to play with these munchkins all day.
We are getting settled bit by bit into the new place. The mountain of empty boxes shrinks daily, and every day I find new possessions I forgot I owned, they've been boxed up for so long. And apparently I've lost some weight over this stressful year as my skinny skinnier jeans fit again.
Now I leave you with this gem of the boys playing in their new room. It's long, kind of boring in parts, but Eli makes kissing noises and then bangs his head, while his brother flails on the floor and then maybe eats some lint. I'm very proud of my boys.